About me:

Monday, December 20, 2010

Bloomington found, Oct. 29 2010

Here I sit, at the whim of existence, interested in the strange, the weird, the mad, the philosophic, the poetic, the divine. Madness can bring sanity, to an extent, or at least the proper awareness, perception, and use of it. I feel divine when I sing and when I sin. I feel madness when I'm happy and through any sadness. I see myself sane and I see myself mad. I'm not sure there is even a difference, I'm pretty sure there is not; all is one. I'm rambling, thinking, stumbling, smiling most mischievously. I aim to manifest the divine in all I see and each breath I breathe. In this state of awareness my madness smiles and winks, beckoning to my sanity, seducing it, and then making love to it. There is divinity in our spiritual, psychological, and philosophical love-making. It makes me feel alive. Further contemplation must be had, always.

1 comment:

  1. I hope that you still travel with these thoughts rambling in your head. How lovely! I feel a kinship to these words, a breath of fresh air.
